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How to Choose a Loan Originator


Senior couple meeting in their home with their reverse mortgage loan officer discussing closing documents.

The mortgage market is vast, filled with a sweeping range of products and services that a skilled mortgage originator can help customize for your unique needs.  

The best originators possess a blend of hard skills and compassionate qualities. Here’s a checklist to guide you in your personal selection process.

The 5 Es

Expertise: Does the originator you’re considering show exceptional knowledge of the mortgage field? Do they have an easy, confident familiarity with the products and services you’re most interested in? Is their knowledge current? If you have a lower-tier credit score and limited savings for a down payment, maybe ask them to walk you through the requirements of an FHA loan. If you’re a veteran, do the same for the VA loan. How did the lender do? Did they know their stuff? 

Experience: This is easier to judge. How long have they been originating loans? 

Excellence: This gets to the heart of their expertise and experience. Have they been doing a few loans a year, or are they a top producer? Have they won any awards for their production? Are they members of any lending-based organizations? Try to explore the depth of their commitment to their career and the industry.

Extras: Try to determine their commitment to customer service. Have them walk through the loan experience you can expect to receive if you bring them on board. What sets them apart from everybody else? Ask for real examples and achievements

Execution: Anybody can talk a good game, but can they execute? Will they deliver and follow through on everything they promised? How do they respond when something falls through the cracks? Ask for examples. Ask for testimonials. 

The 5 Cs

Communication: Early in your interview, you should know if the answers you’re hearing are resonating with you. Do you feel you’re being served, not sold? Does the person sound authentic?

Comfort: Does the person put you at ease? Is there a comfort level there, or are you left scratching your head, trying to sort through a bunch of mortgage terms and talk leaving you more confused than when you started your interview?

Consistency: After the interview, ask yourself was the person all over the place or did it proceed easily and naturally? Did the individual exude calm and confidence? If you have had multiple conversations, have they always been professional and reassuring?

Calling: Does the person under consideration for your business have a real calling for what they do, or are they just punching the clock? You don’t want a button-pusher, you want somebody who really cares about you and your retirement. 

Compassion: Moving ahead with a reverse mortgage loan is a big decision. You have to be the most important person in the room. Your loan professional has to understand where you’ve been and where you need to get to. You don’t need a part-timer offering formulaic solutions, you need someone who is all-in and will customize the right loan for your situation.


Let’s Talk

Speak with us today and we will clear up all the questions you have. We will ensure that you have all the facts on this program, and we pride ourselves in making sure that every critical piece of information you need is properly disclosed to you (with no hidden details).